速報APP / 教育 / Success Stories

Success Stories





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Success Stories(圖1)-速報App

Success is something that everyone wants to have by hook or by crook. Sometimes people get desperate to have success. But to be successful is not easy. One has to struggle a lot to have success. There is a hidden story behind every success. SuccessHack app will help you to know the hidden stories of successful peoples. We want success but we are afraid of failure. But the successful people do fail and rise again strongly. SuccessHack android app will help you to know the struggle and failure stories of successful peoples. This app will help you to gain success. This app will help you to learn how to rise again strongly from failures.

In this app you will find the struggle and failure stories of Steve jobs, Bill gates, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoin, Michael Jordan, Steven King, Shania Twain, etc. This app will help to know how these people come out of failure and gained success in life.

If u are struggling and failing in life, You should use this app and You should read the failure stories of successful people. So to know about key to success, SuccessHack is a must.

Success Stories(圖2)-速報App

Features of this app:

- Attractive UI design

- 25+ failure stories of Successful people

Success Stories(圖3)-速報App

- Add to favourites

- Attractive fonts are used

- Copy to clipboard

Success Stories(圖4)-速報App

- Bug fixed


All of the contents which are used in our app is not our trademark. We found this by searching in the search engines and by browsing different websites. Let us know if there are any content which is originally yours. We will take a look of that and remove these kind of contents.

Success Stories(圖5)-速報App